Strategic Holiday Eating: Enjoy the Holidays Without Gaining a Pound

The month-and-a-half-long adventure of food and festivities are upon us.  The average person will gain 3-4 pounds during this one month.  The strategic person can keep these pounds off and enjoy the holidays without uncomfortable jeans at the end of 30-plus days by following a few simple tips:

1. Since we were talking about jeans...... always wear jeans to holiday meals.  Do not wear sweat pants, yoga pants, or a dress.  If you wear jeans, you are less likely to take in as much food as you would wearing comfortable, baggy clothes.  Simple.

2.  Plan for your treats.  Don't sample everything.  Choose a few things you really, really, really want.... like your Grandma's pumpkin pie or your mom's homemade buttery mashed potatoes.  Don't consume things you don't fully and truly enjoy.  Be mindful of what you put in your mouth.

3.  Chew gum.  Chewing gum will keep you from nibbling on all kinds of things that just add up to unwanted pants sizes.  Chewing gum also reduces anxiety for some people.  Anxious people eat.  If you are anxious or stressed around the holidays, chewing gum may lessen those anxious feelings and lessen the amount of food consumed.

4.  Focus, focus, focus on what this time of year is all about.  Thanksgiving, Christmas, the New Year.... all have a deeper meaning behind the food.  Meditate on this deeper meaning.

5.  Stay active!  During the holiday season, daily schedules become disrupted with friends and family in town, programs to attend, extra shopping that needs to be done.....don't let a disrupted schedule get in the way of working out.  Continue to make your workout time sacred and follow through.  Make a calendar of times you promise yourself you will get a workout in, and stick to it. Not only will you feel better, less stressed, and more emotionally stable; you will also be able to fit into those same jeans in a month from now.

Enjoy the holidays!!!


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