Food & Emotions: 90 percent overlook the key to weight loss

"Expert says diets fail because people don't address the emotional aspects of food..."

As the new year approaches, most of us will turn our attention to new hopes, goals, and dreams for the new year.  For many of us, those goals will focus on weight loss, fat loss, and getting healthy...... And, research tells us, that by January 21 95% of us will have failed at maintaining our food and exercise plan.

Research and case studies are finding that the biggest hurdle to staying on a fat loss and health plan is our mental and emotional connection to food and exercise. At the bottom of this post I have included a link to one of those studies.  

If you are one of those people with a fat loss and health goal for the new year, and you tend to fall off your plan, I can help.  As a personal trainer and health coach, I work with clients on-line to create individualized food plans, exercise plans, and keep my clients accountable by utilizing behavioral, mental, and emotional health strategies from my 15 years as a licensed mental health therapist and life coach. I can help you understand the emotional and mental connections that hold you back from reaching your health goals which in turn will keep you on track to creating and maintaining the body, the health, and the life you want now.


Why can't we stop our unhealthy eating behaviors when we really, really want to?


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