Stay In The Adventure!

Stay in the adventure! If you want to find more meaning in your life, more joy…

-Practice exploring

-Stay constantly curious

-Practice gratitude

My dad shared a story with me once about his dad, my grandpa who was a farmer in Northwest Iowa. They were down in my grandpa’s & grandma’s sprawling garden (even had a large working water wheel my grandpa had meticulously built by hand) and my grandpa leaned over to a bush of roses and pulled a beautiful blossom forward, encouraging my dad to come closer. As my dad peered at the bloom from a few inches away, my grandpa said, “It is impossible to not believe in miracles when looking at this magnificent little flower”. That story has stuck with me for over 30 years. It is truly in the small, still details of life we find solace & reverence.

“When the pain or the boredom or the anger is so overwhelming that it seems as though one cannot live through it for even second longer, when it is so unendurable that it seems to have transformed itself into the definition of a living hell, that that is the moment when one has no other choice but to build a wall around the present and live entirely in the Now. That is why crushing, crushing boredom is the key. For riding it out forces a choice, the choice of total misery or to turn all distractions mute and abide in the joy and gratitude of the eternal Present.” -from the book “All Things Shining” by Dreyfus & Kelly

Our thoughts can create the scared and the meaningful. We must learn to pay attention to this and understand we are empowered to create this for ourselves. Exploring, staying curious, & practicing gratitude….These 3 practices keep us in the adventure of life & give us the feelings that we as humans look for to bring about meeting & purpose to our lives.


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